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I’ve been a huge fan of brace style “{}” string formatting for a long time. Regarding C++, it was only in C++20 that it got official support with the acceptance of P0645. Even before then there were unofficial libraries that could do the same thing.
However, what I wanted to do was the reverse, to unformat a string and extract data. So I had the idea to write this library that would do exactly that in a simple and elegant way. I make use of constexpr to parse the formatted string, making it incredibly fast (300x faster than std::regex).
Quick Example
Unformat is simple to use and works on all basic types. See the below example for extracting a std::string
and an ‘int’
std::string name;
int age;
unformat("Harry is 18 years old.", "{} is {} years old.", name, age);
// name == "Harry" and age == 18
As an optimisation, if the format string is known at compile time, it can be parsed into a constant expression by making use of ay::make_format
. In tests, this increases runtime speed by a factor of 3 or 4.
std::string name;
int age;
constexpr auto format = ay::make_format("{} is {} years old.");
unformat("Harry is 18 years old.", format, name, age);
// name == "Harry" and age == 18
Unformat is super awesome back to the future style lightning fast compared to traditional parsing methods. Below is the output from Google Benchmark on unformat_benchmark.cpp. Great Scott!
Run on (16 X 2993 MHz CPU s)
03/13/19 18:10:57
Benchmark Time CPU Iterations
Unformat 72 ns 71 ns 8960000
Unformat_ConstChar 69 ns 70 ns 8960000
Unformat_ConstexprMakeFormat 36 ns 35 ns 19478261
StdStringStream 844 ns 854 ns 896000
StdRegex 9975 ns 10010 ns 64000
StdScanf 1716 ns 1726 ns 407273